Sugar Cookies, Part 2 – How to Decorate the Perfect Cookie, the Easy Way!

In this article…. Find out the absolutely easiest way to decorate sugar cookies, from this self-proclaimed Lazy Girl. Sugar cookies are one of my current, favorite projects — it’s food that is art! This is part two in our series, where I show you how to decorate professional-looking sugar cookies with royal icing. Watch the […]
Sugar Cookies, Part 1 – How to Make the Perfect Cookie

In this article….Find out to make sugar cookies that don’t lose their shape, and taste delicious! Sugar cookies are one of my current, favorite projects — it’s food that is art. What’s not to love?! And since I dove head first into sugar-cookie making about a year ago, I have learned quite a bit, and […]
Happy Homecoming Sugar Cookies!

Fall is by far my favorite time of year. The weather is cooler, the kids go back to school, hot cocoa abounds, the kids go back to school, there’s time for fun projects and did I mention the kids go back to school?! I do love my crazy kiddos, but it is nice to be […]
Instant Pot: Meet Your New Best Friend

More and more people are becoming fans of One Pot Cooking. But what is this magical pot and what makes it so special. One Pot is a brand of these new fancy-smancy electric pressure cookers, think that crazy-fast cooking item from the ’70s, except unlike your mother’s or grandmother’s version, shouldn’t explode in your kitchen! […]
Arizona Sugar Cookies

I was grateful to spend time with these three lovely ladies – Jo and her two girls, and help them learn the art of decorating sugar cookies. We had a fun time together making cookies celebrating Arizona — the location for her youngest upcoming mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We’re […]
Fourth of July Pancakes

Kick your holiday pancakes up a notch by using Wilton’s Liquid Gel Colors to turn your pancakes into 4th of July flags. Make pancake batter like normal. Divide batter into three bowls and add color one batter blue, one red and leave one normal. I like these gels because you easily dispense how many drops […]
Crab Rangoon

My friends Tandy Shaffer and Matt Elwell first introduced me to crab rangoons when I was in 7th grade on a Student Council field trip to Crown Center in Kansas City. (Notice I said “junior high” not “middle school.” That will date me for sure….the times of Rave hairspray, lip smackers and floral headbands.) I had […]
My Favorite Sugar Cookie & Icing Recipes

I have fallen in love with baking and icing sugar cookies. I love a good challenge, and sugar cookies have filled that need. I’m made and iced several dozen and I learned a few tips along the way. I need to write a post with all of these tips, but for now, I’m going to […]
Lemon Curd Cream Puffs

When I was little I had a cream puff for the first time, and I was mesmerized. It was so puffy and light with a creamy center. I also love lemon and when I found this lemon curd recipe, I knew it was a keeper. Combine the delicate lightness of the cream puff with the […]
Grow Green Onions in your Kitchen from Scraps!

A few years ago I learned that you can re-grow green onions…literally re-grow them, giving you two bunches for the price of one. I love this and do it all the time. I actually forgot this wasn’t “normal” until I posted about it yesterday. So don’t throw away the ends of your green onions, regrow them […]