Sometimes you see something while out shopping or online and think, seriously, that’s a thing? You can buy that. Well, here are my latest finds from the retailor or retail stores — Walmart.

Fuzzy Boots?!
At least I didn’t skin a collie to make my…! These look like something Cher would have made fun of in Clueless. Yikes!
This Beret?
Another thing Cher sports in Clueless….and I wouldn’t have thought much of it if there was one for sale on Walmart’s site. But there wasn’t one for sale. There were three different ones for sale. Seriously? Walmart chic is it? What’s up with all the berets? And this one, it comes in 11 different colors….11! Scratch that…I found two more styles of berets! Two more!
This Weird Faux Fur Slip-on
It almost looks like a feminine mid-evil prince should be wear this one. The faux fur almost looks like a buckle. Like the leg attached to this unfortunate shoe should be sporting tights. I just can’t even understand who would wear this in 2018. Seriously. But get this, all of the normal size 8 and above of this shoe ARE SOLD OUT! THEY ARE SOLD OUT! So apparently someone is wearing this shoe…but are they wearing them with tights?
Real Girls Wear Pearls
I don’t always wear pearls, but when I do, I make sure they are sewn to the shoulders of my SWEATSHIRT! Really? Come on! I know that athletic ware is EVERYWHERE these days, and I get that people like to match high with low (think a moto or jean jacket with a dress) but seriously pearls on a sweatshirt…oh Walmart…can we not?! Come back to me, Walmart…I know you’re in there somewhere….come back.
Turtleneck...Oh No!
I heard that turtlenecks were back, but I think they shouldn’t be. Who looks in the mirror and says, “You know what would make me look better….showing less neck!” Some of us (hint, hint) don’t even have much of a neck to start with. Enter THIS turtle neck. From a distance, I thought it looked like sprinkles (a la a cookie) but upon closer inspection, I discovered they were Christmas lights. Silly Walmart, lights go ON THE TREE…not ON THE TURTLENECK. Speaking of which, unless you are a cheerleader and you’re wearing one of those brightly colored stretchy turtleneck bodysuits under your uniform to keep warm, then you probably should dump the turtleneck in the trash.
Frump, No!
I know that mustard yellow is having a bit of a moment right now (I’m still not sure why! I think maybe the fashion designers are having a bet with each other. I can just imagine it. “Hey, let’s see if the masses will really wear anything we tell them to.” “Yes, let’s see if we can make mustard trendy!” What’s worse than dressing like your least-favorite condiment? It’s this frumpy sweatshirt/dress hybrid. I’m pretty sure the model is not wearing pants or leggings in this image, so does that mean she is calling it a dress? Just looking at it makes me uncomfortable and cold. Where are her pants…if it’s sweatshirt weather, it’s probably cold, right? Maybe her pants match her skin color perfectly? If that’s so, then honey, that’s just a nightmare waiting to happen. The overall look and feel here is just frumpy and just no. As my children try to insult each other with this comment, which I think is fitting for this “dress,” “Nobody likes you!”
A Wing and a Prayer
Okay, now you’re going to think I’m just making this up. Seriously, is this for real? Just like you never imagined you see a child eating off the floor in Walmart (which I did) you probably never imagined you’d see this shirt. I feel like this person is about to lift off. You know what would make this monstrosity better though? If it were mustard yellow 🙂 Maybe you could wear a turtleneck under it?!